
General Support - **Python** wars-in-progress,Dbus fails

etorix - 21.06.2006, 02:12 Uhr
Titel: **Python** wars-in-progress,Dbus fails
Python in sid is in a confused condition, for NMU reasons
tho i didnt have a serious issue on two systems, on my default-boot i didnt upgrade any Python packages
ie, i stepped around em in d-u


KDM-login-looping occurs, seems not to be python-related


Xsession: X session started for etorix at Wed Jun 21 03:51:25 BST 2006
Failed to start message bus: Failed to read directory "/etc/dbus-1/${prefix}/share/dbus-1/services": No such file or directory
EOF in dbus-launch reading address from bus daemon

so its dbus 'new'
jiro - 21.06.2006, 03:43 Uhr
Titel: RE: **Python** wars-in-progress
maybe so - d-u today broke my system. I get as far as the kdm login screen but then the screen goes black and I loop back to the kdm login.

help! Verlegen
DeepDayze - 21.06.2006, 04:35 Uhr
I have the same issue as well. Böse
stryder - 21.06.2006, 04:43 Uhr
Thanks for the heads-up, etorix. I checked here earlier and quickly cancelled my ongoing d-u which was downloading. Looks like a good decision. Smilie
devil - 21.06.2006, 06:43 Uhr
workaround for now:
apt-get install dbus/testing.
please read the news for fixes later.

drb - 21.06.2006, 12:35 Uhr
This may be a naive question . . but I'm relatively new to Linux, starting with a HD install of Kanotix-2005-04 in December and a Live CD distribution upgrade in January to include ooo. I've dist-upgraded most days since and upgraded the kernel hoping that one day my Logitech webcam will work (it does now!). There have been dbus-1, xorg7, fuse-util, multicd and python 'hiccups' on the way . . . but this forum and IRC have been excellent in getting me going again without a reinstallation. My installation is a little 'messy' (not knowing what I was doing with Wine in the early days, synaptic d-u then terminal d-u in init 5 - before I found out the proper way!) but generall works OK. The only two things that still are a minor irritation are the egg_desktop errors (which I've tried to fix but suggestions haven't worked) and the need to plug out/in a USB device to see the icons I want on my desktop. All in all I'm very happy with my Kanotix flavour of Linux and very rarely boot into Windows (some photo editing things that are easier to handle there) . . but . .

. . . although I understand that this is unstable and if I want an problem free life I could fix my install at, say, easter-RC4 . . . I can also understand how partial KDE updates may take time to fully work . . . . what I can't understand is how something gets placed into debian sid that everyone who does a dist-upgrade gets a black screen. Is there some pre-testing that is carried out to avoid a major system break? Or does someone independently develop the package change and place it in a repository for the whole community to test?

Thanks to everyone who wakes up before me and, generally, finds out the problems before I do! Also to all those out there solving the problems so quickly!

slh - 21.06.2006, 14:21 Uhr
Fixed dbus packages uploaded to our repository, this issue shouldn't show up anymore.
drb - 21.06.2006, 14:22 Uhr
Following go-ahead on front page, the d-u wants to remove python-gtk2, python2.3-gtk2 and streamtuner - I don't want to lose streamtuner! Is this right?

devil - 21.06.2006, 15:53 Uhr
hm, no streamtuner removed here.

stryder - 21.06.2006, 16:31 Uhr
You guys are just terrific! Dbus is resolved but is python still 'confused'?
Crust - 21.06.2006, 16:45 Uhr
the three packages (python-gtk2, python2.3-gtk2 and streamtuner) were removed for me, too.

devil - 21.06.2006, 16:47 Uhr
yes, i guess it is, even though i had no problems with it these last days.
as far as i know, there is not much to do about it atm.

drb - 21.06.2006, 17:30 Uhr
The answer to my question about why major problems appear in debian sid is in the thread above!

Some people have lost streamtuner . . . others haven't!!!

Crust - 21.06.2006, 17:34 Uhr
I reinstalled streamtuner and it removed two other packages.
All should be fine now.

anticapitalista - 22.06.2006, 00:38 Uhr
Firstly, well done to slh for getting the fix so quickly.
Secondly the "debian" dbus (rather than slh's fix) is now there and it solves the problem.
Thirdly, just for the record, it wasn't just a kde/kdm problem. I use gdm and fluxbox and got the same errors.
devil - 22.06.2006, 05:13 Uhr
sorry, i forgot to mention, that other wm didnt work either.

stryder - 22.06.2006, 05:35 Uhr
devil28 hat folgendes geschrieben::
yes, i guess it is, even though i had no problems with it these last days.
as far as i know, there is not much to do about it atm.


Thanks devil. Guess I'll hold off for a while. I like to be up to date but it's an itch I can live with for a while... Sehr glücklich.
noahsark - 22.06.2006, 05:46 Uhr
drb: Here's my understanding of how the three branches of debian work. Things break in sid is because sid is where the packages are first released and so they are in there most unrefined state. Those of that use sid are the guinea pigs. That's why the kanotix devs work so hard to put together 'stable' releases of an 'unstable' system. Things get worked on in sid, then passed on down to the testing line when most of the major bugs are worked out. Then after more polishing, things get passed on to 'stable'.
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