
Hardware - Legacy nVidia problem solved

kb0hae - 23.06.2006, 12:59 Uhr
Titel: Legacy nVidia problem solved
Hi Folks. Last night I ended up doing a fresh install of Kanotix 2005-04. The previous install was having problems (all drive icons disapeared, all desktop settings disapeared etc...) for the second time. I did try to install from a backup, but I got read errors. All went well with the fresh install until I tried ti install the nVidia driver. I have a "legacy" nVidia chipset, a Geforce 2 Pro. I updated the scripts, and (in init 3) ran the install-nvidia-debain.sh script. I got an error stating that a legacy nVidia card was found and to ask nVidia to update the legacy driver.

I then tried to download an older driver from the archive on the nVidia site. I got an error that it couldn't find the kernel sources for my kernel.

In desperation and frustration, I booted from the live CD, and copied the older nVidia install script to usr/local/bin, overwriting the updated version. The older version worked!
I am not a programmer, so I don't know what the difference in the script versions is, but obviously there is one.

Just posting this in case it can help someone with a similar problem in the future. Sehr glücklich
piper - 23.06.2006, 14:06 Uhr
Titel: RE: Legacy nVidia problem solved
Well if you went as far as a fresh install, why didn't you do a fresh install of of the latest version Kanotix Easter rc4 ?

Anywho, just glad you got things sorted and are up and running Smilie
kb0hae - 24.06.2006, 02:58 Uhr
Titel: RE: Legacy nVidia problem solved
Hi Piper. I understand that the rc versions are lite versions. It is my understanding that 2005-04 is the latest stable full version. As I use dial-up, I have to go to a friend's house to download anything large like a new ISO. My friend is very busy right now, and hard to get ahold of. Might try the Easter rc4 release (on a seperate partition) when I get a chance to download the ISO via a high speed connection.

I would really like to just upgrade the video to a better nVidia card, but its cannot be squeezed into the budget right now!
piper - 24.06.2006, 16:53 Uhr
Titel: RE: Legacy nVidia problem solved

Very well understood Smilie
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