
Software - amphetamine game?

fatbloke - 26.08.2006, 16:54 Uhr
Titel: amphetamine game?
I was looking through the games that are offered via kanotix/debian repositories - The standard ones, and noticed amphetamine (actually I was hoping to see rocks and diamonds).

Installed it, but how the hell do I start it ? it doesn't appear in my menu - but if I can start it, I can probably add it to the menu

Can someone explain how I start it please ?


piper - 26.08.2006, 17:05 Uhr
Titel: RE: amphetamine game?
kmenu > debian > games > amphetamine
fatbloke - 26.08.2006, 21:04 Uhr
Titel: Re: RE: amphetamine game?
piper hat folgendes geschrieben::
kmenu > debian > games > amphetamine

Well damn!, how foolish of me not to have bothered exploring the "debian" menu (Ha! in truth, because I've had a few snags over the last week or two following "proper" debian instructions it didn't even occur to me to check there).

thanks piper, much appreciated.


piper - 26.08.2006, 21:15 Uhr
Titel: RE: Re: RE: amphetamine game?
Smilie No problem

The Debian Folder is a list of all the apps installed on your computer that you installed using synaptic, apt-get, kpackage or individual .deb packages. Additional applications you install using these methods will be placed there.

If some icons or apps aren't showing up you can try using "menu-updating tool" found at kmenu > settings

or in a terminal

LtWorf - 04.09.2006, 18:41 Uhr
Titel: RE: Re: RE: amphetamine game?
If you don't find an app there, you could try running kappfinder.
fatbloke - 04.09.2006, 22:01 Uhr
Titel: Re: RE: Re: RE: amphetamine game?
LtWorf hat folgendes geschrieben::
If you don't find an app there, you could try running kappfinder.

Thanks for the tip. I did find the game where piper suggested. Though I'd also stupidly forgotten about kappfinder!

I'm not one of natures IT guru's, I'm more of a "windowsesque" type i.e. I don't really care how it works, I just want it too work.

Thats not to be critical to those who "are into IT bigtime", it's just that I don't learn well in an "on the job" scenario - I'm more of a "classroom" learner.

So I really do benefit from asking what most would consider dumb questions in forums. I know that I can always get the same info if I have the same or similar problem (plus there might be others who find the info useful).

Ah well, back to the "coal face", and thanks again for the "kappfinder" reminder.


UncleDeadley - 04.09.2006, 22:27 Uhr
Titel: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: amphetamine game?
another way I like is to press alt+f2 and type in the name of the prog. That works a lot of the time.
piper - 04.09.2006, 22:31 Uhr
Titel: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: amphetamine game?
No such thing as a "dumb question" Winken
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