
Software - OOo 2.0.3 and printing

fatbloke - 31.08.2006, 20:12 Uhr
Titel: OOo 2.0.3 and printing
If I try to print a webpage, no problem, if I try to print a page from a pdf thats in my /home, again no problem.

If I open OOo (usually writer) and type something, it seems to print fine, but if I try to open an already existing document I get a dialogue that says that it can't find a default printer, and to select a device and try again.

So I use the drop down and select my laser printer, click OK and nothing, nada, zilch.

The printer(s) are connected via ethernet, which is set up and apparently working - I have the laser printer set as default.

What am I doing wrong ??? (yes I have searched the OOo forums and the only thing that was suggested was that it might have installed/upgraded incorrectly - so to un-install/re-install, which I have done with no luck - yes the uninstall was "including config files" in synaptic).

Any advice/instruction/direction is very much appreciated.


michael04345 - 31.08.2006, 21:32 Uhr
I do not have a solution but I can replicate your problem on my current set up (up to date Kanotix). I have been saving my work to PDF in writer then printing it --which is a bother. I have tried the solutions listed in forums (which work for a while) but this problem seems to return with each openoffice upgrade in the last several months.
hubi - 31.08.2006, 22:21 Uhr
Had a problem with printing out of OOo a few weeks ago, just using a new profile helped.

Stop OOo, move your profile to a backup, restart OOo (uses default configs):
mv ~/.openoffice.org2 ~/.openoffice.org2.backup

If that does not help, replay your backup and hopefully some people move in who have further ideas.

UncleDeadley - 01.09.2006, 05:31 Uhr
I am having a similar problem- I can't print from writer. calc works fine, though. Really weird. I started a thread earlier. h2 suggested I look into the following thread:

I haven't had time to solve my problem yet, since I don't often need to print from writer.

Edit: SteveR also made a suggested that I try the fix he used for Qcad not finding printers. See http://kanotix.com/PNphpBB2-viewtopic-t-20320.html

I'll try these tomorrow.
fatbloke - 01.09.2006, 16:51 Uhr
well I've tried various "cures" and it "sort of" seems to be working. I uninstalled cups and ancilliary packages (again) then I made sure that I commented one of my sources
# Loibls Scripte

#deb http://www.andreas-loibl.de/linux/debian/ ./

As the system has only started playing up since I added that line (wonder if theres something problematic at the site with some of the packages - probably not, just me being paranoid).

I then re-installed the cups stuff - and then just added them back in through KDE>control centre>peripherals>printers (in "administrator mode").

I'm not convinced that it's cured though, because I seem to be able to print if logged into one of the two user accounts, but if I'm in one, then I open the "file manager in Super User mode", and try to print something from my partners login, I'm still getting
error during printing
which just stops it working.

It could be that it's something stupid with OOo as well, because if I try to look at the help, it only tells me that theres no help available for that topic and won't open the index list or anything - says I have to install english - us etc etc. No I bloody well won't. "We" (the english/brits) invented the bloody language, we can spell properly and, pretty much, use correct grammar. Mit den Augen rollen

So I'm still "none the wiser", as to what the actual problem might be (or might have been).

I certainly haven't found where OOo or cups might be reporting errors (i.e. which log(s) I'd need).

So if anyone has any other ideas, I'd appreciate hearing (OK, I'll go and stand in "pedants corner" - read them).


SteveR - 01.09.2006, 18:03 Uhr
Yeah, this worked for QCad- don't know if it's a similar problem for oo:

mv /etc/printcap /etc/printcap_old
ln -s /var/run/cups/printcap /etc/printcap

The first line saves any printcap you might have had in /etc, so you can revert to it if things don't work out.

If you get an error message after the first line, "can't stat'" etc. it just means you didn't have an old one to save. Ignore it.

The second line brings in a new printcap. QCad must be looking to /etc for that file to tell it what printers are available, ---- some new CUPS architecture probably stopped putting it there -- that's my guess, anyway.

If it works out, maybe a lot of these app-printer problems are due to a changed convention.

Hope it helps,

UncleDeadley - 01.09.2006, 19:04 Uhr
hubi hat folgendes geschrieben::
Had a problem with printing out of OOo a few weeks ago, just using a new profile helped.

Stop OOo, move your profile to a backup, restart OOo (uses default configs):
mv ~/.openoffice.org2 ~/.openoffice.org2.backup

If that does not help, replay your backup and hopefully some people move in who have further ideas.


Ok, tried that. Didn't work. I'll try Steve's suggestion next.

Edit: Steve's suggestion didn't help either. I also tried deleting and re-adding the printer. Writer still tells me there is no default printer, even though Calc prints just fine. Now to try more complicated things in other threads.
UncleDeadley - 01.09.2006, 20:25 Uhr
Ok. Still don't know what the problem was. But I got printing back by purging and reinstalling as follows:
 apt-get remove --purge libgnomecups1.0-1 libcupsys2-dev libcupsimage2 cupsys-driver-gutenprint cupsys-common cupsys-client cupsys-bsd cupsys cupsconfig-kanotix


apt-get install cupsys-driver-gutenprint cupsys cupsys-driver-gimpprint cups-pdf hplip cupsys-client

I got the list of things to purge from searching for cups in adept, the package manager. I didn't purge using adept because it kept marking some packages as remove only. I used orphaner to remove things that may have missed but were also related to cupsys.

Printing from writer is back now. I have no idea what was wrong. Oh, I didn't originally have cupsys-driver-gimpprint or hplip, but I do have Gimp, so I added that one. I added hplip because it was a suggested package and I am trying to use an HP laser printer, so I figured it couldn't hurt.
fatbloke - 01.09.2006, 21:59 Uhr
UncleDeadley hat folgendes geschrieben::
Ok. Still don't know what the problem was. But I got printing back by purging and reinstalling as follows:
 apt-get remove --purge libgnomecups1.0-1 libcupsys2-dev libcupsimage2 cupsys-driver-gutenprint cupsys-common cupsys-client cupsys-bsd cupsys cupsconfig-kanotix


apt-get install cupsys-driver-gutenprint cupsys cupsys-driver-gimpprint cups-pdf hplip cupsys-client

I got the list of things to purge from searching for cups in adept, the package manager. I didn't purge using adept because it kept marking some packages as remove only. I used orphaner to remove things that may have missed but were also related to cupsys.

Printing from writer is back now. I have no idea what was wrong. Oh, I didn't originally have cupsys-driver-gimpprint or hplip, but I do have Gimp, so I added that one. I added hplip because it was a suggested package and I am trying to use an HP laser printer, so I figured it couldn't hurt.

Hum? so maybe thats what I need to do, because even if my user accounts couldn't print, surely root can - and I always try to set up printers and other stuff that really needs to be done globally, with root/admin mode.

I don't have adept installed though, because I didn't really like it when I had kubuntu installed so I don't think that I'll change that (I preferred synaptic).

Of course I know the very basic commands for apt, but there are many others (I understand - well thats what the bloke who's a debian developer at my LUG tells me).

Still, a rather curious thing to have, an app that tells me that theres no "default printer", but seems to have no way of being told what or where the default printer (according to the system) is.

Maybe because it's because both of my printers are connected by ethernet, and not USB or other "inferior" technologies Winken

I even tried uninstalling and re-installing OOo and it's other packages - bloody thing keep wanting to install the English-US dictionary and locale packages, even though I tell it that I use English-UK localisation. In fact, I've found that it still asks me to install the English-US packages, for the help files despite the presence of the UK versions (which, if I read the info correctly should be OK).



fatbloke - 01.09.2006, 22:29 Uhr
Ah boll*cks! This is turning into a real PITA. I just tried the same as what UncleDeadley suggested, in fact I just copied/pasted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.

I did have to re-add the printer(s), but it's still showing as "error during printing" if I open konqueror in "super user mode".

Why in hells name would that be? I went as far as selecting the laserprinter as "local default", as I'm presuming thats how I'd make a default device.

I also noticed, that during the printer setup in kde print manager (control centre>peripherals>printers) that even though I was in "administrator mode" I changed whatever I wanted/needed, it never asked me to "apply" the changes - which is something I've always had to do before. I have absolutely no idea why I mightn't need to "apply" the changes - especially when logged into the app as root etc etc.

Bloody hell! What a nuisance this is turning out to be.


UncleDeadley - 02.09.2006, 00:22 Uhr
Do you have that link created as SteveR suggested? I did that, too, and never undid it before purging and adding cups. Maybe that matters? Oh, and before I started in on what I have listed in this thread, I first ran a dist upgrade w/ h2's script and bumped up to the latest kernel. Not sure if that matters, though, since it didn't seem to touch anything related to cups.

Also, I reinstalled my network printer using the cupsys web interface, NOT with kde. I don't know if that makes a difference. open up a browser, type in localhost:631 and that should bring up a cupsys page you can use to add printers. At the very end when you finish adding the printer, it asked me for a username and password. I used root and rootpwd. I didn't touch openoffice.

Good luck.
SteveR - 02.09.2006, 02:31 Uhr
Printcap is a simple text file that lists your available printers.

If an app expects to find out what printers you have available, and looks to printcap for it in /etc, and it ain't (americanism: "is not" occasionally adopted as affectation by GB Edwardian gentry) there, why bless mah soul, you ain't cookin wid gas sweetheart. .. . . nor printin nuttin, neither.
slam - 02.09.2006, 10:10 Uhr
If you have played around with different solutions and printing does not - or partially not - work, please do the following:
Make sure the printer is connected and active, then
apt-get remove --purge cupsys hplip cupsys-driver-gutenprint cups-pdf
apt-get update
apt-get install cupsys hplip cupsys-driver-gutenprint cups-pdf

Now visit http://localhost:631 and set up your printer. Don't change the printer path Cups suggests, just keep it (and don't use the KDE-interface at all).
Cups is working fine at the moment, but remainings of older manual work-arounds may still give it problems.
fatbloke - 04.09.2006, 21:55 Uhr
slam hat folgendes geschrieben::
If you have played around with different solutions and printing does not - or partially not - work, please do the following:
Make sure the printer is connected and active, then
apt-get remove --purge cupsys hplip cupsys-driver-gutenprint cups-pdf
apt-get update
apt-get install cupsys hplip cupsys-driver-gutenprint cups-pdf

Now visit http://localhost:631 and set up your printer. Don't change the printer path Cups suggests, just keep it (and don't use the KDE-interface at all).
Cups is working fine at the moment, but remainings of older manual work-arounds may still give it problems.

Cheers for that Chris, it seems to have worked i.e. I just did "switch user" and did it from graphical root login.

I'm not entirely sure why that is different from what UncleDeadley suggested apart from the use of orphaner though?

When I set the printers I didn't allocate any "allowed users", just the laser printer as the default one - the photosmart is just for the occassional colour and photo's/pictures.

It has been rather confusing though, because this is the first time I haven't had a printer connected via either USB or Parallel - one of the reasons for choosing the photosmart is that it supports ethernet, which I didn't think was a bad thing for an inkjet device.

Anyhow, thanks very much and I'll post back if I get any problems again.


slam - 04.09.2006, 22:23 Uhr
Well, I really like your humor - and your strong will to go on and try again. Smilie
Cups & gutenprint are nasty girls, they changes several times those days - just try to understand as you do with women in general.
UncleDeadley - 04.09.2006, 22:24 Uhr
Ahh, the difference is Chris had you allowing cups to modify which services (aka daemons) run at start up. I didn't tell you to do that, because I didn't know it was important. Maybe Chris will post back and give a fuller explanation about what the freeze/unfreeze business was about and why it might have helped.
hubi - 04.09.2006, 22:28 Uhr
freeze/unfreeze helps that your settings are not changed by upgrades, iirc.

UncleDeadley - 06.09.2006, 16:25 Uhr
Titel: Re: OOo 2.0.3 and printing
Awww, it cups and OO.o are acting up again. Last night I opened an existing spreatsheet in calc. Edited it. Tried to print and got the same error that fatbloke and I were getting before- no default printer.


I get a dialogue that says that it can't find a default printer, and to select a device and try again.

So I use the drop down and select my laser printer, click OK and nothing, nada, zilch.

I pulled up konqueror and went to localhost:631 and checked the print que- the spreadsheet never even made it to the print que.

The printer is functional outside this app. So I tried writer- opened up an existing doc, tried to print it and it worked just fine. Now I was confused. I saved changes to my spreadsheet, closed it, then reopened it and it printed fine. Made changes to spreadsheet and it still printed fine.

Still confused. Any ideas what could have happened?
fatbloke - 06.09.2006, 21:52 Uhr
Titel: RE: Re: OOo 2.0.3 and printing
Well, you're not the only one. I've just typed a letter and when I went to print it, the damn "thing" gave me an error that "no default printer found during printing". Which is rather strange as cups reports that my laser printer is set to default.

I "ok'd" the error and it gave me the printer dialogue, initially it wouldn't let me use the drop down for the laser, but if I used the dropdown and choose the inkjet it would print - then if I used the dropdown in the printer dialogue and chose the laser it printed.

The only thing I've changed it to make sure that both my user accounts are set as "allowed users".

I'm really confused now, because I can't suss whether it's a "cups thing", an "OOo 2.0.3 thing" or a "kde thing".

I then had to print off some route directions for the father-in-laws' trip "up north" at the weekend, which printed fine (ish) i.e. it showed 3 printers in the print dialogue for firefox. It showed the laser/cups, inkjet/cups and postscript/default. Yes the laser is set as default but I've used the hpijs driver rather than the postscript driver (even though it can do/use that).

I can't even think where I should start looking now!

Any ideas anyone please ??



{edit}p.s. erm, it did occur to me that it might be that my users aren't in the right groups for printing i.e. lp, or lpadmin, or whatever, so how would I bring up the GUI groups and users dialogue to make sure that we are in the right groups for both user accounts?????{/edit}
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