
Software - making window resize stick

2radical - 01.09.2006, 17:09 Uhr
Titel: making window resize stick
I've searched but couldn't find a solution to have firefox maximised at startup. This is a minor annoyance but one I'd like to fix. I've done this in the past but can't remember which file I need to edit. Thanks
h2 - 01.09.2006, 21:06 Uhr
Titel: RE: making window resize stick
I got around this problem by using the web developer toolbar, then set the resize option to have your maximum window size desired as default size, next time it opens it will open full size. The web developer tool bar doesn't have to show, but the settings will still be active.

I think there is a firefox setting that gets stuck, that was the case for me in one install, firefox would always open almost but not quite full size, the web developer tool bar fix took care of it for me, and I didn't have to try to dig through some annoying gtk / qt bugs/config file options to solve it.
2radical - 01.09.2006, 22:38 Uhr
h2: Thanks, that was pretty easy. Smilie
drb - 01.09.2006, 22:53 Uhr
Another fix :

Drag the window to the "south west" so the "south" and "west" parts of the frame are out of view. Extend the frame to the "north" and "east". The window is now oversized. Click on full frame. It goes to full frame and sticks next time.

piper - 02.09.2006, 05:40 Uhr

hehe, same way I do it Winken
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