
Anything goes - What is preventing a public release?

pcalvert - 04.12.2009, 09:40 Uhr
Titel: What is preventing a public release?
What is preventing the public release of a new version of Kanotix, and keeping it "underground"? Problems with the installer, or something else?

krishan1 - 04.12.2009, 15:04 Uhr
Maybe Kano can give a more detailed answer. But as I had it understood the main reason is indeed the installer. There are some things in it who displease Kano.
pcalvert - 09.12.2009, 13:48 Uhr
If that's really the case then perhaps a different installer should be used. Thanks to Open Source, it is okay to borrow a working installer from another distro. Or maybe the old Kanotix installer could be used? Of course, the Acritox installer can be left in the private edition of Kanotix and its development can continue in the background.

krishan1 - 09.12.2009, 14:23 Uhr
You can talk about this topic directly to Kano at irc #kanotix. It is his decision and he can give a more detailed answer.
pcalvert - 19.12.2009, 16:16 Uhr
That's fine, there is no need for discussion. It was only a suggestion.

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