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Titel: ASUS P5Q MB with Atheros/Attansic onboard Gb NIC  BeitragVerfasst am: 24.11.2008, 07:23 Uhr

Anmeldung: 07. Mar 2005
Beiträge: 45
Wohnort: San Francisco, CA USA
hey, long time since I have been back at Kanotix. I used Kanotix in a dual boot config a few years ago. I just recently got a shiny new system based on the ASU P5Q MB which has an Atheros/Attansic on-board Gb NIC. This NIC is clearly not supported in openSUSE (there goes 2 days of my life I will never get back !) So, I am here to ask if you guys know if this wired NIC, shown in hardware as the Atheros/Attansic AR8121/8113, is supported in Kanotix, particularly a HD install.

I know I could just go out and get a new PICe NIC (Intel e1000 based), but I'd prefer to just use the hardware I have and not spend more money.

I know when I used Kanotix in the past it was very good at full hardware detection and configuration.

So, any ideas ??

LIFE is good
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Titel: ASUS P5Q MB with Atheros/Attansic onboard Gb NIC  BeitragVerfasst am: 24.11.2008, 09:59 Uhr

Anmeldung: 17. Dez 2003
Beiträge: 16791

Just update the kernel, fetch it with Win if needed:

http://kanotix.com/files/kernel/kernel- ... ric.tar.gz

After running the ./install.sh and a reboot, your nic will run just fine.
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